Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How To Win Back Your Ex Easily

I can't even begin to describe the emotional pain and turmoil that is felt from a breakup, and if you are dealing with it then I certainly feel for you as I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on even my worst enemy. Many people will be quick to tell you that it will get better, or that time heals all wounds, but if you are anything like me that is the last thing that you want to hear. Coping with a breakup is a difficult thing, but if you are not happy with the situation that you are in now, and you want to win back your ex, here are some suggestions that can help you get on the road to recovery.

One of the biggest mistakes that is made by many is to try too hard to get back into the relationship. If they have terminated the bond because of something that you did, or if you just simply grew apart then you need to get a level head and do some evaluating. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left side write everything that you know about the person as they were when you first met them as far as their likes and dislikes and anything that you can write about their personality. Try to be totally honest, and not look at them through rose colored glasses. Now on the right side make the same list, but do it from the perspective of when you broke up. What kind of a person were they then? Now do the same thing for you on another sheet of paper. Do you notice any differences?

Those differences could just hold the key to win back your ex. Just make those changes in your life, and make sure that they are able to see the changes. Strive to be everything that they would want you to be. Of course you would not want to flaunt those changes, go about them naturally and they will notice the difference. Then as you are able, try to talk to your ex and be a good listener, try to grow the relationship again without letting them know that you are doing so and let the relationship blossom again naturally.

Whoever said it is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all probably never lost the love of their life.

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